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Are There Browsers That Don't Support Maxlength?

I have a contest entry page on my company's website. In order to enter the contest, you create a login, which is just an email and a 4-digit pin. Here's the PIN field:

Solution 1:

They very likely are bots that read field names and create GET and POST requests based on those rather than using the HTML form like a normal human user would.

This is why client-side validation of form is never enough to ensure data is correct. Client-side validation is nice as it's responsive for end users, but it's not able to prevent bad data from arriving at your server's doorstep.

As an example, let's say I have an input field in a form whose action is GET. My input field's maxlength is 4. When I press submit, I see the URL ending with ?field=1234. There's nothing stopping me from updating that URL to ?field=123456789 and pressing enter. Similar things can be done with POST actions, but a tool is needed to do it.

Solution 2:

I believe that every browser supports it, here's a few links for reference :

Maxlength | SitePointReference

Maxlength | W3 Schools

Obviously there are way around this - you should ensure you ALWAYS have adequate server-side validation, as client-side usually isn't enough on it's own.

Solution 3:

All browsers support maxlength. However, this attribute can easily be removed/changed using DOM methods or, for example, with Firefox's Web Developer Toolbar.

Solution 4:

several of the emails I've received show that the user has created a pin with more than 4 characters.

How is this possible? Are there browsers that don't support maxlength?

I would investigate the USER_AGENT and REFERER headers related to those user activities. Perhaps a malicious user submitted forms programmatically circumventing the browser restrictions, just to check your perimeter defense. If so you should see some patterns there.

Anyway these educated guesses aside, maxlength should not be treated as a means of securing the input. Anything client-side is not under your control, it exists merely to make user interface more intuitive, interactive. You should always check everything on the server. In that case, the PIN being composed of 4 digits, otherwise reject the input. The golden rule is to treat all user input as hostile and thoroughly validate it on the server.

Solution 5:

In general, trying to enforce rules for user input done client-side is a bad idea. I had an experience where we had contracted out some work to some programmers and their idea of sanitizing user input was making it so that users couldn't input more than 10 characters in any given field. A quick firebug change and, oh look, I can drop the server's database with some minimal SQL injection.

If I were you I'd check maximum lengths with whatever script adds user information to your database and return form validation errors if the user input exceeds the maximum specified length.

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